
Podcasts are a way for people to publish video or most of the time audio files. People can subscribe to these podcasts and they are able to download them automatically to their computers. Subscribers are able to pick what they want to hear and/or watch. The people who use podcasts use them for varies reasons such as re-broadcasting old radio and television content, the distribution of educational lessons, radio shows and they can also be used by businesses to alert employees of updates e.g. conference meeting time changes.

Advantages of using podcasts are that it is easy to publish your files and allow users to listen/watch them by putting them out on the internet. But some disadvantage to podcasting is some people don’t like to subscribe to things, so won’t subscribe for new podcasts which may cause podcasters to lose viewers/ listeners. Also when creating your files, if you make mistakes you will have to go back and take time editing them which could take a long time to try and make your video/audio file run smoothly.

Apple's podcast options in i-Tunes

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